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Showroom Launch Party

An evening of canapés, drinks and entertainment hosted in our client’s new flagship showroom presenting their newest collection and collaboration with celebrated interior designer Kelly Hoppen.


The Challenge

Deliver a launch event with low impact bringing together industry professionals in celebration of a new showroom and collection in collaboration with Kelly Hoppen. The event had to be planned carefully around the displays which limited available space. 

The Approach

Zentive conducted a thorough site inspection to find a solution to the best way to deliver the event. Due to the limited space, it was agreed that the terracotta style reception desk would be transformed into the bar for the evening which would provide guests with an assortment of prosecco, wine, beer and soft drinks. For food, sustainably sourced canapés would be circulated amongst event guests by waiting staff.

Entertainment is always an important part of the event and can make or break an event’s atmosphere. Jazz musician Ed Riches was brought onboard to provide smooth jazz undertones throughout the event which would provide a chilled but sociable atmosphere for the event attendees.

The Result

An impressive turnout on a cool balmy evening with 80 attendees mixing and mingling at the showroom event taking in new designs and enjoying short talks by the Managing Director and Kelly Hoppen.

Guests were greeted with a glass of sparkling wine on arrival before moving around the showroom to the soft smooth sounds of jazz guitarist Ed Riches. Sustainable canapés were circulated whilst guests enjoyed meeting new connections and catching up with old friends.

Halfway through the event, entertainment was paused whilst the Managing Director and Kelly Hoppen gave short speeches and took questions from the audience. The event stretched into the evening before guests departed to carry out the rest of their evenings.

Tropical Leaves

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